string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1990' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-62    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/62

Authors: Ferentinos, Kosmas K.
Citation: K. Ferentinos, Kosmas, Shortest Confidence Intervals for Families of Distributions Involving Truncation Parameters, American statistician , 44(2), 1990, pp. 167-168

Authors: Lichtenberg, Frank R.
Citation: R. Lichtenberg, Frank, Aggregation of Variables in Least-Squares Regression, American statistician , 44(2), 1990, pp. 169-171

Authors: Verrill, Steve Axelrod, Michael Durst, Mark
Citation: Verrill, Steve et al., We've Got the Positive Correlation BLUEs, American statistician , 44(2), 1990, pp. 171-173

Authors: Saville, D. J.
Citation: J. Saville, D., Multiple Comparison Procedures: The Practical Solution, American statistician , 44(2), 1990, pp. 174-180

Authors: Senn, Stephen
Citation: Senn, Stephen, Regression: A New Mode for an Old Meaning?, American statistician , 44(2), 1990, pp. 181-183

Authors: Ehrenberg, A. S. C.
Citation: C. Ehrenberg, A. S., A Hope for the Future of Statistics: MSOD, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 195-196

Authors: Hahn, Gerald J. Boardman, Thomas J. Fluharty, David
Citation: J. Hahn, Gerald et al., ASA History, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 197-199

Authors: Minton, Paul D. Brock, Dwight B. Brock, Mary B.
Citation: D. Minton, Paul et al., ASA'S Sesquicentennial Celebration, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 200-203

Authors: Fawcett, Richard F.
Citation: F. Fawcett, Richard, The Alignment Method for Displaying and Analyzing Treatments in Blocking Designs, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 204-209

Authors: Gibbons, Jean D.
Citation: D. Gibbons, Jean, U.S. Institutional Representation on Editorial Boards of U.S. Statistics Journals, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 210-213

Authors: Hurvich, Clifford M. Tsai, Chih-Ling
Citation: M. Hurvich, Clifford et Tsai, Chih-ling, The Impact of Model Selection on Inference in Linear Regression, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 214-217

Authors: Behboodian, Javad
Citation: Behboodian, Javad, Examples of Uncorrelated Dependent Random Variables Using a Bivariate Mixture, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 218-218

Authors: Edelman, David
Citation: Edelman, David, A Note on Uniformly Most Powerful Two-Sided Tests, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 219-220

Authors: Nelder, J. A.
Citation: A. Nelder, J., Nearly Parallel Lines in Residual Plots, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 221-222

Authors: Singer, Judith D. Willett, John B.
Citation: D. Singer, Judith et B. Willett, John, Improving the Teaching of Applied Statistics: Putting the Data Back into Data Analysis, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 223-230

Authors: Stephenson, W. Robert
Citation: Stephenson, W. Robert, A Study of Student Reaction to the Use of Minitab in an Introductory Statistics Course, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 231-235

Authors: Newton, H. Joseph
Citation: Newton, H. Joseph, New Developments in Statistical Computing, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 242-244

Authors: Johnson, Norman L. Kotz, Samuel
Citation: L. Johnson, Norman et Kotz, Samuel, Randomly Weighted Averages: Some Aspects and Extensions, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 245-249

Authors: Magee, Lonnie
Citation: Magee, Lonnie, R 2 Measures Based on Wald and Likelihood Ratio Joint Significance Tests, American statistician , 44(3), 1990, pp. 250-253

Authors: Dallal, Gerard E.
Citation: E. Dallal, Gerard, Statistical Computing Packages: Dare We Abandon Their Teaching to Others?, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 265-266

Authors: Ziegel, Eric R. Hunter, Stuart J.
Citation: R. Ziegel, Eric et J. Hunter, Stuart, American Statistical Association's Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences: Past, Present, and Future, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 267-269

Authors: Korn, Edward L. Graubard, Barry I.
Citation: L. Korn, Edward et I. Graubard, Barry, Simultaneous Testing of Regression Coefficients with Complex Survey Data: Use of Bonferroni t Statistics, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 270-276

Authors: Groeneveld, Richard A.
Citation: A. Groeneveld, Richard, Ranking Teams in a League with Two Divisions of t Teams, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 277-281

Authors: Deng, Lih-Yuan Chhikara, Raj S.
Citation: Deng, Lih-yuan et S. Chhikara, Raj, On the Ratio and Regression Estimation in Finite Population Sampling, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 282-284

Authors: Edelman, David
Citation: Edelman, David, A Confidence Interval for the Center of an Unknown Unimodal Distribution Based on a Sample of Size 1, American statistician , 44(4), 1990, pp. 285-287
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-62