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Results : 26-50/138

Authors: Song, Yiqing Niu, Tianhua Manson, JoAnn E. Kwiatkowski, David J. Liu, Simin
Citation: Song, Yiqing et al., Are Variants in the CAPN10 Gene Related to Risk of Type 2 Diabetes? A Quantitative Assessment of Population and Family-Based Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 208-222

Authors: Jiang, Y. WIlk, J.B. Borecki, I. Williamson, S. DeStefano, A.L. Xu, G. Liu, J. Ellison, R.C. Province, M. Myers, R.H.
Citation: Y. Jiang, et al., Common Variants in the 5. Region of the Leptin Gene Are Associated with Body Mass Index in Men from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart Study, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 220-230

Authors: Econs, Michael J. Koller, Daniel L. Hui, Siu L. Fishburn, Tonya Conneallu, P. Michael Johnston, C.Conrad, Jr. Peacock, Munro Foroud, Tatiana M.
Citation: J. Econs, Michael et al., Confirmation of Linkage to Chromosome 1q for Peak Vertebral Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal White Women, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 223-228

Authors: Elson, J.L. Turnbull, D.M. Howell, Neil
Citation: Elson, J.l et al., Comparative Genomics and the Evolution of Human Mitochondrial DNA: Assessing the Effects of Selection, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 229-238

Authors: Baser, Michael E. Kuramoto, Lisa Joe, Harry Friedman, J.M. Wallace, Andrew J. Gillespie, James E. Ramsden, RIchard T. Evans, D. Gareth R.
Citation: E. Baser, Michael et al., Genotype-Phenotype Correlations for Nervous System Tumors in Neurofibromatosis 2: A Population-Based Study, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 231-239

Authors: Tiranti, Valeria D'Adamo, Pio Briem, Egill Ferrari, Gianfrancesco Mineri, Rossana Lamantea, Eleonora Mandel, Hanna Balestri, Paolo Garcia-Silva, Maria-Teresa Vollmer, Brigitte Rinaldo, Piero Hahn, Si Houn Leonard, James Rahman, Shamima Dionisi-Vici, Carlo Garavaglia, Barbara Gasparini, Paolo Zeviani, Massimo
Citation: Tiranti, Valeria et al., Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy Is Caused by Mutations in ETHE1, a Gene Encoding a Mitochondrial Matrix Protein, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 239-252

Authors: Spencer, Matthew Howe, Christopher J.
Citation: Spencer, Matthew et J. Howe, Christopher, Authenticity of Ancient-DNA Results: A Statistical Approach, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 240-250

Authors: Uhlenberg, Birgit Schuelke, Markus Rüschendorf, Franz Ruf, Nico Kaindl, Angela M. Henneke, Marco Thiele, Holger Stoltenburg-Didinger, Gisela Aksu, Fuat, Haluk Nürnberg, Peter Hübner, Christoph Weschke, Bernhard Gärtner, Jutta
Citation: Uhlenberg, Birgit et al., Mutations in the Gene Encoding Gap Junction Protein .12 (Connexin 46.6) Cause Pelizaeus-Merzbacher.Like Disease, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 251-260

Authors: Fox, Caroline S. Cupples, L. Adrienne Chazaro, Irmarie Polak, Joseph F. Wolf, Philp A. D'Agostino, Ralph B. Ordovas, Jose M. O'Donnell, Christopher J.
Citation: S. Fox, Caroline et al., Genomewide Linkage Analysis for Internal Carotid Artery Intimal Medial Thickness: Evidence for Linkage to Chromosome 12, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 253-261

Authors: Trimborn, Marc Bell, Sandra M. Felix, Clive Rashid, Yasmin Jafri, Hussain Griffiths, Paul D. Neitzel, Heidemarie Jackson, Andrew P. Neumann, Luitgard M. Krebs, Alice Reis, André Sperling, Karl
Citation: Trimborn, Marc et al., Mutations in Microcephalin Cause Aberrant Regulation of Chromosome Condensation, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 261-266

Authors: Wang, Qing Rao, Shaoqi Shen, Gong-Qing Li, Lin Moliterno, David J. Newby, Kristin L. Rogers, William J. Cannata, Ruth Zirzow, Erich Elston, Robert, C. Topol, Eric J.
Citation: Wang, Qing et al., Premature Myocardial Infarction Novel Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 1P34-36 Identified by Genomewide Linkage Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 262-271

Authors: Wang, Nicholas J. Liu, Dahai Parokonny, Alexander S. Shanen, N. Carolyn
Citation: J. Wang, Nicholas et al., High-Resolution Molecular Characterization of 15q11-q13 Rearrangements by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (Array CGH) with Detection of Gene Dosage, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 267-281

Authors: Arya, Rector Duggirala, Ravindranath Jenkinson, Christopher P. Almasy, Laura Blangero, John O'Connell, Peter Stern. Michael P.
Citation: Arya, Rector et al., Evidence of a Novel Quantitative-Trait Locus for Obesity on Chromosome 4p in Mexican Americans, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 272-282

Authors: Slatkin, Montgomery
Citation: Slatkin, Montgomery, A Population-Genetic Test of Founder Effects and Implications for Ashkenazi Jewish Diseases, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 282-293

Authors: Stein, Catherine M. Schick, James H. Gerry Taylor, H. Shriberg, Lawrence D. Millard, Christopher Kundtz-Kluge, Amy Russo, Karlie Minich, Nori Hansen, Amy Freebairn, Lisa A. Elston, Robert C. Lewis, Barbara A. Iyengar, Sudha K.
Citation: M. Stein, Catherine et al., Pleiotropic Effects of a Chromosome 3 Locus on Speech-Sound Disorder and Reading, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 283-297

Authors: Hammond, Christopher J. Andrew, Toby Tat Mak, Ying Spector, Tim D.
Citation: J. Hammond, Christopher et al., A Susceptibility Locus for Myopia in the Normal Population Is Linked to the PAX6 Gene Region on Chromosome 11: A Genomewide Scan of Dizygotic Twins, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 294-304

Authors: Dagoneau, Nathalie Scheffer, Deborah Huber, Céline Al-Gazali, Lihadh I. Di Rocco, Maja Godard, Anne Martinovic, Jelena Raas-Rothschild, Annick Sigaudy, Sabine Unger, Sheila Nicole, Sophie Fontaine, Bertrand Taupin, Jean-Luc Moreau, Jean-François Superti-Fuga, Andrea Le Merrer, Martine Bonaventure, Jacky Munnich, Arnold Legeai-Mallet, Laurence Cormier-Daire, Valérie
Citation: Dagoneau, Nathalie et al., Null Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor (LIFR) Mutations in Stüve-Wiedemann/Schwartz-Jampel Type 2 Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 298-305

Authors: Schork, Nicholas J. Greenwood, Tiffany A.
Citation: J. Schork, Nicholas et A. Greenwood, Tiffany, Inherent Bias toward the Null Hypothesis in Conventional Multipoint Nonparametric Linkage Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 306-316

Authors: Hinds, David A. Stokowski, Renee P. Patil, Nila Konvicka, Karel Kershenobich, David Cox, David R. Ballinger, Dennis G.
Citation: A. Hinds, David et al., Matching Strategies for Genetic Association Studies in Structured Populations, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 317-325

Authors: Denier, C. Goutagny, S. Labauge, P. Krivosic, V. Arnoult, M. Cousin, A. Benabid, A.L. Comoy, J. Frerebeau, P. Gilbert, B. Houtteville, J.P. Jan, M. Lapierre, F. Loiseau, H. Menei, P. Mercier, P. Moreau, J.J:. Nivelon-Chevallier, A. Parker, E. Redondo, A.M. Scarabin, J.M. Tremoulet, M. Zerah, M. Maciazek, J. Tournier-Lasserve, E. Société Française de Neurochirurgie
Citation: C. Denier, et al., Mutations within the MGC4607 Gene Cause Cerebral Cavernous Malformations, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 326-337

Authors: Verrelli, Brian C. Tishkoff, Sarah A.
Citation: C. Verrelli, Brian et A. Tishkoff, Sarah, Signatures of Selection and Gene Conversion Associated with Human Color Vision Variation, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 363-375

Authors: Warburton, Dorothy Dallaire, Louis Thangavelu, Maya Ross, Lori Levin, Bruce Kline, Jennie
Citation: Warburton, Dorothy et al., Trisomy Recurrence: A Reconsideration Based on North American Data, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 376-385

Authors: Padhukasahsram, Badri Marjoram, Paul Nordborg, Magnus
Citation: Padhukasahsram, Badri et al., Estimating the Rate of Gene Conversion on Human Chromosome 21, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 386-397

Authors: Wijsman, Ellen M. Warwick Daw, E. Yu, Change-En Payami, Haydeh Steinbart, Ellen J. Nochlin, David Conlon, Erin M. Bird, Thomas D. Schellenberg, Gerard D.
Citation: M. Wijsman, Ellen et al., Evidence for a Novel Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease Locus on Chromosome 19p13.2, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 398-409

Authors: Abecasis, Conçalo R. Burt, Rachel A. Hall, Diana Bochum, Sylvia Doheny, Kimberly F. Lundy, S. Laura Torrington, Marie Roos, J. Louw Gogos, Joseph A. Karayiorgou, Maria
Citation: R. Abecasis, Conçalo et al., Genomewide Scan in Families with Schizophrenia from the Founder Population of Afrikaners Reveals Evidence for Linkage and Uniparental Disomy on Chromosome 1, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 403-417
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>