string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='10505164' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-91    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/91

Authors: Dupuis, Paul Wang, Hui
Citation: Dupuis, Paul et Wang, Hui, Dynamic importance sampling for uniformly recurrent Markov chains, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 1-38

Authors: Herrmann, Samuel Imkeller, Peter
Citation: Herrmann, Samuel et Imkeller, Peter, The exit problem for diffusions with time-periodic drift and stochastic resonance, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 39-68

Authors: Arora, Sanjeev Kannan, Ravi
Citation: Arora, Sanjeev et Kannan, Ravi, Learning mixtures of separated nonspherical Gaussians, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 69-92

Authors: Nacu, .erban Peres, Yuval
Citation: Nacu, .erban et Peres, Yuval, Fast simulation of new coins from old, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 93-115

Authors: Strasser, Eva
Citation: Strasser, Eva, Characterization of arbitrage-free markets, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 116-124

Authors: Darling, R. W. R. Norris, J. R.
Citation: R. Darling, R. W. et R. Norris, J., Structure of large random hypergraphs, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 125-152

Authors: Chi, Zhiyi
Citation: Chi, Zhiyi, Large deviations for template matching between point processes, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 153-174

Authors: Cavazos-Cadena, Rolando Hernández-Hernández, Daniel
Citation: Cavazos-cadena, Rolando et Hernández-hernández, Daniel, A characterization of the optimal risk-sensitive average cost in finite controlled Markov chains, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 175-212

Authors: Baryshnikov, Yu. Yukich, J. E.
Citation: Baryshnikov, Yu et E. Yukich, J., Gaussian limits for random measures in geometric probability, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 213-253

Authors: Azaïs, Jean-Marc Wschebor, Mario
Citation: Azaïs, Jean-marc et Wschebor, Mario, On the distribution of the maximum of a Gaussian field with d parameters, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 254-278

Authors: Grübel, Rudolf Stefanoski, Nikol.e
Citation: Grübel, Rudolf et Stefanoski, Nikol.e, Mixed Poisson approximation of node depth distributions in random binary search trees, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 279-297

Authors: Garet, Olivier Marchand, Régine
Citation: Garet, Olivier et Marchand, Régine, Coexistence in two-type first-passage percolation models, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 298-330

Authors: Ata, Baris Kumar, Sunil
Citation: Ata, Baris et Kumar, Sunil, Heavy traffic analysis of open processing networks with complete resource pooling: Asymptotic optimality of discrete review policies, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 331-391

Authors: Heinrich, Lothar
Citation: Heinrich, Lothar, Large deviations of the empirical volume fraction for stationary Poisson grain models, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 394-420

Authors: Dietz, Zach Sethuraman, Sunder
Citation: Dietz, Zach et Sethuraman, Sunder, Large deviations for a class of nonhomogeneous Markov chains, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 421-486

Authors: Gapeev, Pavel V.
Citation: V. Gapeev, Pavel, The disorder problem for compound Poisson processes with exponential jumps, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 487-499

Authors: Zwart, Bert Borst, Sem De.bicki, Krzystof
Citation: Zwart, Bert et al., Subexponential asymptotics of hybrid fluid and ruin models, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 500-517

Authors: Foley, Robert D. McDonald, David R.
Citation: D. Foley, Robert et R. Mcdonald, David, Large deviations of a modified Jackson network: Stability and rough asymptotics, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 519-541

Authors: Foley, Robert D. McDonald, David R.
Citation: D. Foley, Robert et R. Mcdonald, David, Bridges and networks: Exact asymptotics, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 542-586

Authors: Douc, R. Guillin, A. Najim, J.
Citation: R. Douc, et al., Moderate deviations for particle filtering, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 587-614

Authors: Schuhmacher, Dominic
Citation: Schuhmacher, Dominic, Upper bounds for spatial point process approximations, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 615-651

Authors: Arratia, Richard Liggett, Thomas M.
Citation: Arratia, Richard et M. Liggett, Thomas, How likely is an i.i.d. degree sequence to be graphical?, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 652-670

Authors: Zähle, Iljana Cox, J. Theodore Durrett, Richard
Citation: Zähle, Iljana et al., The stepping stone model. II: Genealogies and the infinite sites model, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 671-699

Authors: Baxendale, Peter H.
Citation: H. Baxendale, Peter, Renewal theory and computable convergence rates for geometrically ergodic Markov chains, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 700-738

Authors: Hoffman, Christopher
Citation: Hoffman, Christopher, Coexistence for Richardson type competing spatial growth models, Annals of applied probability , 15((1B)), 2005, pp. 739-747
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-91