string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2019' AND fasc_issn='10505164' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-98    

Articles table of contents

Results : 76-98/98

Authors: Hwang Jong Yun Lee Ji Oon Schnelli Kevin
Citation: Hwang Jong Yun et al., Local law and Tracy.Widom limit for sparse sample covariance matrices, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3006-3036

Authors: Gu Yu Tsai Li-Cheng
Citation: Gu Yu et Tsai Li-cheng, Another look into the Wong.Zakai theorem for stochastic heat equation, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3037-3061

Authors: Heydecker Daniel
Citation: Heydecker Daniel, Pathwise convergence of the hard spheres Kac process, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3062-3127

Authors: Huo Ran Durrett Rick
Citation: Huo Ran et Durrett Rick, The zealot voter model, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3128-3154

Authors: Jaber Eduardo Abi Larsson Martin Pulido Sergio
Citation: Jaber Eduardo Abi et al., Affine Volterra processes, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3155-3200

Authors: Reinert Gesine Ross Nathan
Citation: Reinert Gesine et Ross Nathan, Approximating stationary distributions of fast mixing Glauber dynamics, with applications to exponential random graphs, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3201-3229

Authors: Bresler Guy Nagaraj Dheeraj
Citation: Bresler Guy et Nagaraj Dheeraj, Stein.s method for stationary distributions of Markov chains and application to Ising models, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3230-3265

Authors: Leobacher Gunther Szölgyenyi Michaela
Citation: Leobacher Gunther et Szölgyenyi Michaela, Correction note: A strong order 1/2 method for multidimensional SDEs with discontinuous drift, Annals of applied probability , 29(5), 2019, pp. 3266-3269

Authors: Gong Ruoting Mou Chenchen Andrzej
Citation: Gong Ruoting et al., Stochastic representations for solutions to parabolic Dirichlet problems for nonlocal Bellman equations, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3271-3310

Authors: Guo Gaoyue Ob.ój Jan
Citation: Guo Gaoyue et Ob.ój Jan, Computational methods for martingale optimal transport problems, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3311-3347

Authors: Herrmann Sebastian Stebegg Florian
Citation: Herrmann Sebastian et Stebegg Florian, Robust pricing and hedging around the globe, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3348-3386

Authors: Keller-Ressel Martin Schmidt Thorsten Wardenga Robert
Citation: Keller-ressel Martin et al., Affine processes beyond stochastic continuity, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3387-3437

Authors: Schlichting André Slowik Martin
Citation: Schlichting André et Slowik Martin, Poincaré and logarithmic Sobolev constants for metastable Markov chains via capacitary inequalities, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3438-3488

Authors: Viens Frederi Zhang Jianfeng
Citation: Viens Frederi et Zhang Jianfeng, A martingale approach for fractional Brownian motions and related path dependent PDEs, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3489-3540

Authors: Bovier Anton Smadi Charline Coquille Loren
Citation: Bovier Anton et al., Crossing a fitness valley as a metastable transition in a stochastic population model, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3541-3589

Authors: Todorov Viktor
Citation: Todorov Viktor, Nonparametric spot volatility from options, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3590-3636

Authors: Kliem Sandra
Citation: Kliem Sandra, Right marker speeds of solutions to the KPP equation with noise, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3637-3694

Authors: Bayraktar Erhan Cvitani. Jak.a Zhang Yuchong
Citation: Bayraktar Erhan et al., Large tournament games, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3695-3744

Authors: Bröker Yannic Mukherjee Chiranjib
Citation: Bröker Yannic et Mukherjee Chiranjib, Localization of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos in the Wiener space and the stochastic heat equation in strong disorder, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3745-3785

Authors: Junnila Janne Saksman Eero Webb Christian
Citation: Junnila Janne et al., Decompositions of log-correlated fields with applications, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3786-3820

Authors: Fukushima Ryoki Junk Stefan
Citation: Fukushima Ryoki et Junk Stefan, Zero temperature limit for the Brownian directed polymer among Poissonian disasters, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3821-3860

Authors: Nam Danny Nestoridi Evita
Citation: Nam Danny et Nestoridi Evita, Cutoff for the cyclic adjacent transposition shuffle, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3861-3892

Authors: Bank Peter Dolinsky Yan
Citation: Bank Peter et Dolinsky Yan, Continuous-time duality for superreplication with transient price impact, Annals of applied probability , 29(6), 2019, pp. 3893-3917
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-98