string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/209

Authors: Groves, Harold M. Brandies, Elizabeth
Citation: M. Groves, Harold et Brandies, Elizabeth, Econoic bases of the wisconsin unemployment reserves act, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 38-52

Authors: Campbell, Earl C.
Citation: C. Campbell, Earl, Separation of sources of state and local tax revenues in California, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 41-52

Authors: Tucker, Rufus S.
Citation: S. Tucker, Rufus, The reasons for price rigidity, American economic review , 28(1), 1938, pp. 41-54

Authors: Brissenden, P.F.
Citation: Brissenden, P.f, The campaign against the labor injunstion, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 42-54

Authors: Nathan, Otto
Citation: Nathan, Otto, The N.I.R.A. and stabilization, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 44-58

Authors: Ferger, Wirth F.
Citation: F. Ferger, Wirth, Windfall tax and processing tax refund provisions of the 1936 Revenue Act, American economic review , 27(1), 1937, pp. 45-60

Authors: Froman, Lewis A.
Citation: A. Froman, Lewis, Bimetallism-Reconsidered in the light of recent developments, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 53-61

Authors: Sundelson, J. Wilner
Citation: Sundelson, J. Wilner, The emergency budget of the federal governament, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 53-68

Authors: Read, Thomas T.
Citation: T. Read, Thomas, The world's output of work, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 55-60

Authors: Stocking, George Ward
Citation: Stocking, George Ward, Stabiliation of the oil industry: its economic and legal aspects, American economic review , 23(4), 1933, pp. 55-70

Authors: Lester, Richard A.
Citation: A. Lester, Richard, Political Economy versus Individualistic Economics, American economic review , 28(1), 1938, pp. 55-64

Authors: Kleene, G. A.
Citation: A. Kleene, G., The rate of return to capital, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 59-72

Authors: Watkins, G.P.
Citation: Watkins, G.p, Economics of saving, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 61-81

Authors: James, Clifford L.
Citation: L. James, Clifford, Commons on institutional economics, American economic review , 27(1), 1937, pp. 61-75

Authors: Wasserman, Max J.
Citation: J. Wasserman, Max, The compression of French wholesale prices during inflation, 1919-1926, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 62-73

Authors: Maclaurin, W. Rupert
Citation: Maclaurin, W. Rupert, Recent experience with compulsory arbitration in Australia, American economic review , 28(1), 1938, pp. 65-81

Authors: Crum, W.L.
Citation: Crum, W.l, On the alleged concentration of economic power, American economic review , 24(1), 1934, pp. 69-88

Authors: Murchison C.T.
Citation: Murchison C.t, Requistes of stabiilization in the cotton textile industry, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 71-80

Authors: Dixon, F. J.
Citation: J. Dixon, F., Monetary and banking legislation in Canada, 1934, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 73-84

Authors: Vernon, A. Mund
Citation: Vernon, A. Mund, The financial adjustment in the empirical law of cost, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 74-80

Authors: Lin, Lin
Citation: Lin, Lin, Are time deposits money?, American economic review , 27(1), 1937, pp. 76-86

Authors: Mittelman, E. B.
Citation: B. Mittelman, E., The displacement of workers, 45-64 years of age, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 81-83

Authors: Wyckoff, V. J.
Citation: J. Wyckoff, V., Land prices in seventeenth-century Maryland, American economic review , 28(1), 1938, pp. 82-88

Authors: Hunter, Merlin H.
Citation: H. Hunter, Merlin, Shall We Tax Corporations or Business?, American economic review , 26(1), 1936, pp. 84-89

Authors: Bogart, E. L.
Citation: L. Bogart, E., American economic thought, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 85-90
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>