string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/209

Authors: Engle, Nathanael H.
Citation: H. Engle, Nathanael, Economic phases of the wholesale market, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 189-199

Authors: Snyder, Carl
Citation: Snyder, Carl, The capital supply and national well-being, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 195-224

Authors: Fisher, Allan G. B.
Citation: B. Fisher, Allan G., Does an increase in volume of production call for a corresponding increase in volume of money?, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 198-211

Authors: Ayres, C. E.
Citation: E. Ayres, C., The basis of economic statemanship, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 200-216

Authors: Currency inflation
Citation: Currency Inflation, Currency inflation: its nature and implication, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 208-224

Authors: Commons, John R.
Citation: R. Commons, John, Communism and collective democracy, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 212-223

Authors: Bradord, Frederick A.
Citation: A. Bradord, Frederick, Social aspect of commercial banking theory, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 217-233

Authors: Humphrey, Don D.
Citation: D. Humphrey, Don, The relation of surpluses to income and employment during depression, American economic review , 28(2), 1938, pp. 223-234

Authors: Gray, Horance M.
Citation: M. Gray, Horance, The allocation of joint costs in multiple-purpose hydro-eletric projects, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 224-235

Authors: Knight, Frank H.
Citation: H. Knight, Frank, The nature of ecnomic science in some recent disussion, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 225-238

Authors: Hoagland, H. E.
Citation: E. Hoagland, H., Government and the changing mortgage structure, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 225-234

Authors: Buehler, Alfred G.
Citation: G. Buehler, Alfred, Taxation and the minimiin of subsistence, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 234-244

Authors: Galbraith, J. K. Black, J. D.
Citation: K. Galbraith, J. et D. Black, J., The production credit system of 1933, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 235-247

Authors: Simmons, Edward C.
Citation: C. Simmons, Edward, Borrowing in the market by the Federal Reserve Banks: an appraisal of a possible control device, American economic review , 28(2), 1938, pp. 235-246

Authors: Dietrich Ethel B.
Citation: B. Dietrich Ethel, British export credit insurance, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 236-249

Authors: Zimmermann, Erich W.
Citation: W. Zimmermann, Erich, The relationship bertween outout of work and economic well-being, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 239-249

Authors: Dewey, Ralph L.
Citation: L. Dewey, Ralph, The Merchant Marine act of 1936, American economic review , 27(2), 1937, pp. 239-252

Authors: Neiswanger, W. A.
Citation: A. Neiswanger, W., The expansion of banck credit, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 245-263

Authors: Millikan, Max
Citation: Millikan, Max, The liquidity-preference theory of interest, American economic review , 28(2), 1938, pp. 247-260

Authors: Rogin, Leo
Citation: Rogin, Leo, Davenport on the economics of Alfred Marshall, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 248-257

Authors: Hopkins, William S.
Citation: S. Hopkins, William, Employment exchanges for seamem, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 250-258

Authors: Grave, Erwin
Citation: Grave, Erwin, Forecasts of the general price level in retrospect, 1919-1931, American economic review , 24(2), 1934, pp. 250-265

Authors: Wilcox, Clair
Citation: Wilcox, Clair, Merit rating in state unemployment compensation laws, American economic review , 27(2), 1937, pp. 253-259

Authors: Howard, Stanley E.
Citation: E. Howard, Stanley, The rate base and the depreciation base in recent public utility cases, American economic review , 26(2), 1936, pp. 258-271

Authors: White, Horace G. Jr
Citation: White, Horace G. Jr, Foreign exchange rates and internal prices under inconvertible paper currencies, American economic review , 25(1), 1935, pp. 259-272
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>