The biogenic amine dopamine, one of the various molecules which transm
its information between neurons of the brain, provides a particularly
interesting candidate for research in physiological psychology. This n
eurotransmitter is thought to be involved in a number of basic behavio
ral functions like motivation, learning, psychomotor mechanisms, atten
tion, and functional disturbances, including drug addiction, schizophr
enia, and Parkinson's disease. In this short review, data obtained fro
m animal studies will be summarized which deal with the relationships
between brain dopamine function and normal motivated behavior, on the
one hand, and addiction as a disturbance of motivational mechanisms, o
n the other. Special attention will be given to the dopaminergic inner
vation of the nucleus accumbens and its possible role as a substrate o
r correlate of reward, reinforcement, psychomotor activation or incent
ive salience.