Ir and IrO2 thin films have been identified as potential electrode mat
erials for ferroelectric capacitors. These electrodes have shown excel
lent electrical characteristics. The integration of ferroelectric capa
citors into memory cells requires the bottom electrode material to be
placed directly over a contact plug. This paper studies the interactio
n of Ir and IrO2 with commonly used plug materials such as polysilicon
, tungsten (W), and tungsten silicide (WSix) after a post-deposition a
nnealing at 800 degrees C. Film properties such as composition, resist
ivity, crystallinity, adhesion, and micro-structure have been examined
before and after anneal. The results show that W is a possible plug m
aterial for Ir electrode; while polysilicon and WSix are potential can
didates if IrO2 electrodes are used.