Long lengths of mono- and multifilament Ag-clad BSCCO superconductors
were fabricated by the powder-in-tube technique. Critical current dens
ity (J(c)) up to 12,000 A/cm(2) has been achieved in an 850 m long mul
ticore conductor. Long length conductors were formed into pancake-shap
ed coils by the wind-and-react approach. Test magnets were then fabric
ated by stacking the pancake coils and connecting them in series. The
magnets were characterized as a function of applied magnetic field at
various temperatures. A test magnet, fabricated with approximate to 77
0 m of BSCCO tape, generated fields of approximate to 1 T at 4.2K and
approximate to 0.6 T at 27K, both in an applied background field of 20
T. Additionally, the strain tolerance of both mono- and multifilament
conductors at 77K in 0.5 T applied field has been studied. We observe
d that multifilament conductors have better strain tolerance than mono
filament tapes, retaining more than 90% of the initial critical curren
t (at 0.5 T) with strain greater than or equal to 1%.