Contents of nitrate and nitrite in several sources of domestic water s
upply, 8 branded lager beers, and only nitrate in palmwine is reported
. Nitrate in water supplies varied from 0.23 mg/l in tap water to 50.0
mg/l in reservoir/stored water, and nitrite from 0.02 mg/l in stream
water to 8.94 mg/l in well water. The results are compared to reported
normal and lethal levels in drinking water. Nitrate in the beverages
ranged from 22.5 mg/l in palmwine to 50.0 mg/l in beer, while nitrite
in beer is between 0.26 and 9.53 mg/l. Levels of nitrate/nitrite in th
is study are not considered hazardous but their toxic effects are summ