Objective: To establish the profile of patients receiving home enteral
tube feeding (HETF) in East Anglia, to assess the adequacy of care, a
nd to consider the causes and implications of differences in the geogr
aphic prevalence of HETF. Design: A 1-year prospective study. Setting:
Eight independently funded districts within East Anglia. Subjects: Ba
sic clinical data were available from 234 patients, 191 of which were
tube-fed in the same district as that which initiated treatment, with
detailed data obtained from 126. Outcome measures: Prevalence, complic
ations in relation to the dietetic support available, and standards of
care in relation to those set in the reports of the King's Fund and t
he British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Results: T
he patients, who were usually elderly subjects or children, had severe
disabilities: 40% were unable to walk: 39% were unable to speak; and
20% were housebound. In all cases enteral tube feeding had been initia
ted in hospital but in this survey we found inadequate training for ho
me care in 23%, inadequate support and follow-up in 20%, inadequate eq
uipment in 41%, uncertainties regarding organisation, and various clin
ical problems such as feed regurgitation, in 22%, aspiration pneumonia
in 13%, which occasionally led to hospitalization (4%), and frequent
but usually minor peristomal problems in patients with gastrostomies.
There was a direct correlation between the prevalence of HETF (which v
aried fourfold between districts) and the number of NHS dieticians per
head of population; and an inverse correlation with respect to reques
ts by patients for more support (r = 0.97), complaints of blocked tube
s (r = 0.82) and the need for hospital help. Conclusion: HETF provides
an important form of support to a small group of severely disabled pa
tients. There are important differences between districts in the preva
lence of HETF which may be related to variation in local expertise and
available support staff. The standards of care did not always conform
to those set in the King's Fund report and BAPEN report on Enteral an
d Parenteral Nutrition in the community.