The wording of questionnaires has suddenly become a fashionable resear
ch topic again, with the claim by Gaskell, Wright, and O'Muircheartaig
h (1993) that respondents do not notice-and thus do not respond to-hig
h-degree, or 'extreme', intensifiers in the majority of survey questio
ns. This phenomenon is labelled The Lexical Invisibility Hypothesis. O
ne of the major roles of intensifiers and their 'inverse', attenuating
devices, or hedges, is to allow the questionnaire designer to control
for social and psychological connotations. If Gaskell et al. are corr
ect, hedges, as backgrounding devices, should be even less visible tha
n intensifiers. The present paper takes the data from a small think-al
oud study conducted at the University of York in 1993 and explores how
nine randomly selected first-year undergraduates react to six 'extrem
e' intensifiers (very, extremely, far, full, never, and consistently)
and two hedges (seem and tend). The data suggest that (a) think-aloud
data can within limits provide valid and linguistically rich evidence
of attention to specific words, and (b) there is a need to distinguish
between attending to a word and using it to formulate a response. The
re is evidence that most of the intensifiers are attended to by half o
r more of the subjects, but the hedges (apart from one example of seem
), along with never and consistently, do seem to be more 'invisible'.