Diffuse background present in electron diffraction patterns from prote
in crystals can produce significant systematic error in intensity meas
urements. In certain regions of the diffraction pattern, this can even
result in systematically negative intensity measurements. Thus, it is
important to remove the diffuse background to produce more accurate m
easurement of structure factor amplitudes. The variable part of the co
ntinuous background arises from disorder in the crystal with an intens
ity which depends on the type of disorder. We show how the diffuse sca
ttering can be calculated from a model for the disorder leading to a c
orrection of intensities measured from diffraction patterns. For cryst
alline bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in native p3 (a = 62.45 Angstrom) purple
membrane the best correction for several models tested is obtained by
assuming that the disorder comes from random displacement of the trim
er of bR molecules as a rigid unit. The correction was applied to inte
nsity measurements using improved error estimates based on the experim
ental errors. The number of intensities previously measured wrongly to
be negative is about 10%. This is reduced by 4-fold to be in agreemen
t with that expected from counting statistics. The final corrected amp
litudes gave a lower R-factor when used for refinement of an atomic mo