A new theory is used to analyze the 1/f noise of GaAs resistors on sem
i-insulating substrates. It is demonstrated that this model can explai
n previously published results at moderately high frequencies for, in
this example, resistive filaments on semi-insulating GaAs substrates,
The model is based on a distributed equivalent circuit representation
of the substrate, and shows that 1/f noise a bulk phenomena associated
with the high resistivity substrates, The 1/f noise is not associated
with number or mobility fluctuations in the channel, nor surface effe
cts, One consequence of the theory is that in this particular instance
Hooge's parameter is in reality no parameter but is given by a simple
formula which has a simple physical interpretation as the ratio of tw
o charges; the thermal charge developed across the substrate capacitan
ce and the charge associated with ionized donors in the resistor chann