Recent energy diagrams for semiconductors suggest that p-GaN should in
ject holes into all the common II-VI compounds, including the sulfides
. These diagrams treat only the energetics of the hole injection proce
ss, however, whereas kinetics are likely to play an important role as
well. Hence, we have performed model calculations of the currents expe
cted in the p-GaN/n-ZnS heterostructure to assist in our MBE growth an
d device studies of this system, now beginning. The calculations indic
ated the need for an electron blocker so that hole injection into the
sulfide layer would be the dominant current. An example illustrating t
hese points is p-GaN/MgZnS/n-CdZnS, with the middle layer being the el
ectron blocker. We present simulations of this structure based on real
istic models of the heterojunction, including the self-consistent effe
cts of the dopant and free carrier charges as a function of bias.