G. Esser et al., SIGNIFICANCE OF GAZE AVOIDANCE DURING INF ANCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENTAL STATUS OF CHILDREN 24-54 MONTHS OLD, Zeitschrift fur Entwicklungspsychologie und padagogische Psychologie, 28(1), 1996, pp. 3
In infancy gaze avoidance is assumed to be either parr of a self regul
ating system or to indicate an interactional disturbance. In many rega
rds, the further development of children with gaze avoidance is unknow
n. Within the framework of the prospective Mannheimer Risikokinderstud
ie (Mannheim Children at Risk Study), 164 infants with normal gaze beh
avior were compared with 30 infants with active and 20 infants with pa
ssive gaze avoidance, and followed till the age of 4.5 years. Gaze avo
idance was significantly associated with severe pre- and perinatal com
plications, and led to serious disturbances of the mother-infant inter
action. Children with passive gaze avoidance showed marked cognitive a
nd motor developmental retardation, while children with active gaze av
oidance only showed moderate cognitive delays. Within both groups an i
ncreased frequency of difficult temperament was found. Also, the furth
er development of children with passive gaze avoidance was characteriz
ed by marked cognitive delays, while children with active gaze avoidan
ce were more likely to show emotional and behavioral problems. Within
both groups of children an autistic symptoms were overrepresented. The
results of the group with passive gaze avoidance fit with the self-re
gulation model, and to some degree the results of the group with activ
e gaze avoidance were in line with the assumption of an interactional