Young verbally gifted children were compared to chronological- and men
tal-age controls on a number of variables pertaining to narrative abil
ity. Using a structural-developmental analysis, the gifted children we
re found to organize their story plots in a way typical of children tw
o years older. Elaborations on the basic plot structure were even more
advanced, with gifted children telling stories that were more elabora
te than those of their chronological- and mental-age peers. Gifted chi
ldren also showed considerable advancement on a number of language ski
lls. Conceptual understanding of plot structure appears more related t
o age than the acquisition of language skills. However, it is what ver
bally gifted children do with the conceptual structures available to t
hem that distinguishes their narratives. Their story plots indicate el
aborate structures and their specific language abilities contribute to
the richness and sophistication of their narratives.