Objective: The present study was undertaken to investigate the relatio
nship between estimated folate and vitamin B-12 intakes and their bioc
hemical status in elderly persons. Subjects: Twenty-eight males and 30
females (> 65 years) were randomly selected from a larger sample of f
ree-living elderly residents of Edmonton, Canada. Subjects were contac
ted through a seniors' service organization. Any subject using vitamin
supplements or alcohol other than the social drink was excluded from
the study. Design: Dietary intake was estimated using a three-nonconse
cutive-day food record. Biochemical status was assessed by measuring t
he plasma levels of folate and vitamin B-12, as well as the red blood
cell (r.b.c.) folate levels. Results: Average daily intakes of both fo
late and vitamin B-12 met the recommended requirements. Their mean pla
sma levels were within the accepted normal ranges in both males and fe
males. However, probability analysis of dietary intake revealed an app
reciable number of subjects at risk of deficiency, especially of folat
e (male 26%; female 21%). According to the interpretive guidelines of
r.b.c. folate levels, an appreciable number of the study subjects were
also found to be at risk of folate deficiency (male 57%; female 67%).
Conclusions: The folate status appears to be a greater concern than t
he vitamin B-12 status for the elderly population. It seems that altho
ugh mean values of dietary intake and plasma concentrations of folate
may indicate nutritional adequacy, a proportion of the older populatio
n may still be at nutritional risks. Sponsor: This research was partly
supported by Kellogg's Canada. Descriptors: elderly, folate, vitamin
B-12, dietary intake, biochemical status