The purpose of this investigation was to replicate the findings of K.
E. Stanovich and A. E. Cunningham (1993) concerning the antecedents of
declarative knowledge, using different measures of general ability an
d TV exposure. In addition, the authors were interested in the relatio
nship between epistemological knowledge and these measures. Ninety-sev
en introductory psychology students participated. Results showed that
measures of both general ability and TV exposure exhibited a stronger
relationship to declarative knowledge than that found by K.E. Stanovic
h and A. E. Cunningham. These differences in results concerning TV exp
osure were explained by suggesting the possibility that watching educa
tional TV increases literacy whereas watching noneducational TV may ac
tually limit it. The epistemological beliefs of simple and certain kno
wledge were statistically related to composites of knowledge, ability,
and both types of exposure.