An experimental and theoretical study of the 1/f noise and the thermal
noise in double-diffused MOS (DMOS) transistors in a BICMOS-technolog
y has been carried out. By using an analytical model that consists of
an enhancement MOS transistor in series with a depletion MOS transisto
r and a resistance, and by attributing noise sources to each device, t
he noise in DMOS devices is simulated accurately. Three distinct regio
ns of operation are defined: enhancement transistor control, depletion
transistor control and the linear region. In the first region, the no
ise is strictly determined by the enhancement transistor. It was found
that the 1/f noise in this region is caused by mobility fluctuations
and is very low, In the depletion transistor control region both trans
istors influence the total noise. Here the 1/f noise is dominated by t
he depletion transistor. The series resistance is only of importance i
n the linear region.