In this article, we provide an overview of writing development from a
product perspective and from a process perspective. Then we discuss mo
difications of the most influential process model of skilled adult wri
ting to explain beginning and developing writing including a proposed
developmental sequence of the emergence of cognitive processes in writ
ing. Next we report the results of two recent dissertations by the sec
ond and third authors supervised by the first author aimed toward cont
rasting developmental issues: (a) specifying the algorithms or rules o
f thumb beginning and developing writers may use during on-line planni
ng; and (b) investigating the further development of writing processes
among skilled adult writers. In the first study, development was conc
eptualized as a linear process across age groups. In the second study,
development was conceptualized as a horizontal process within skilled
adult writers who expanded their expertise. Finally, we consider the
developmental constraints and the instructional constraints on writing
development and argue for a model of writing development in which end
ogenous and exogenous process variables interact to determine the outc
ome of the writing development process.