Cost estimation plays an important role in the product development cyc
le. For instance, a proper cost estimation can help designers make goo
d trade-off decisions regarding product structures, material, and manu
facturing processes. In this paper, a feature-based product cost estim
ation using back-propagation neural networks is proposed. A system usi
ng this approach has been successfully developed for estimating the co
st of packaging products. The cost-related features in both design and
manufacturing aspects were extracted and quantified according to thei
r cost drivers. The correlation between the cost-related features and
the estimated costs of the product was obtained by training and valida
ting a back-propagation neural network based on 60 existing products w
ith their designs, process routings, and actual cost data. To illustra
te, the testing results of the trained neural network based on 20 actu
al products are presented. The performances of the neural network are
compared to those of the company's method and a linear regression mode
l. The results show that the neural network model outperformed both th
e other methods in respect to performance measures such as average rel
ative deviation and maximum relative deviation.