We address the technology mapping problem for lookup table FPGAs. The
area minimization problem, for mapping K-bounded networks, consisting
of nodes with at most K inputs, using K-input lookup tables, is known
to be NP-complete for K greater than or equal to 5. The complexity was
unknown for K = 2, 3, and 4. The corresponding delay minimization pro
blem (under the constant delay model) was solved in polynomial time by
the flow-map algorithm, for arbitrary values of K. We study the class
of K-bounded networks, where all nodes have exactly K inputs. We call
such networks K-exact. We give a characterization of mapping solution
s for such networks. This leads to a polynomial time algorithm for com
puting the simultaneous area and delay minimum mapping for such networ
ks using K-input lookup tables. We also show that the flow-map algorit
hm computes the same mapping solution as our algorithm. We then show t
hat for K = 2 the mapping solution for a 2-bounded network, minimizing
the area and delay simultaneously, can be easily obtained from that o
f a 2-exact network derived from it by eliminating single input nodes.
Thus the area minimization problem for 2-input lookup tables can be s
olved in polynomial time, resolving an open problem.