The concept of reverse capacity of a whole junction has been used exte
nsively in the design of signal-controlled junctions. This concept, ho
wever, has not been applied to priority junctions and roundabouts, pro
bably because of the complicated demand and supply relationship. When
the demands on the approaches to the junction increase, the capacities
of those non-priority approaches reduce at different rates. This make
s the calculation of reserve capacity of the whole junction not a stra
ightforward task. Using the definition of reserve capacity of a whole
junction in Allsop (1972; Transpn Res. 6, 245-255), explicit formulae
for the estimation of reserve capacities of priority junctions and rou
ndabouts are derived in this paper. Numerical examples are given to il
lustrate the usefulness of these formulae. Copyright 1996 (C) Elsevier
Science Ltd