Fe2Ti belongs to the hexagonal Laves phases, and single crystals are o
f great scientific interest with respect to their complicated magnetic
properties. Up to now only small single crystals no larger than 10 mm
are known. In spite of the already known phase diagram, melt crystall
ization has unusual difficulties: (1) the congruent melting point is s
ensitive to very small changes in the concentration, (2) the solidifie
d melt cracks during further cooling and (3) the melt is very aggressi
ve against standard crucible materials. Therefore, different crucible-
free growth methods were tried. Finally we got single crystals of 3 mm
x 4 mm x 25 mm size by Czochralski growth from a levitated melt. Inve
stigation of the susceptibility showed significant differences between
single crystals and polycrystalline material.