B. thermosphacta is increasingly isolated from fresh meat, especially
from prepackaged meat and meat products. The psychrotrophic, catalase-
and gram positive bacterium is able to ferment a huge number of carbo
hydrates and possesses lipolytic abilities. In the opinion of individu
al authors proteolytic abilities are not precluded, too. B. thermospha
cta produces above all L(+)-Lactic acid and different volatile fatty a
cids. These products are responsible for the nasty acid and sharp-chee
sy flavour of spoilt meat products. Pathogenic features of B. thermosp
hacta against humans beings and animals are not yet known. Because B.
thermosphacta possesses the ability to grow unresticted under microaer
obic conditions, especially products, which were prepakkaged under vac
uum or gas protection are endangered. The detection of high numbers of
B. thermosphacta cells in vacuum packaged products can be seen as a s
ymptom of spoilage of such products. In foods of animal origin normall
y existing concentrations of NaCl, pH-values and concentration of nitr
it and the usually storage temperatures don't inhibit sure growth of B
. thermosphacta.