The 1987 Poultry Science Association Teaching Committee recommended th
at a curriculum survey be conducted of the various institutions offeri
ng an undergraduate degree in poultry science. In 1992, a survey was c
onducted to ''identify the extent to which modern educational technolo
gy is employed in the education of future poultry scientists.'' At the
time of the survey there were 16 institutions in the U.S. and Canada
offering undergraduate degrees in poultry science. The number and type
of required poultry courses varied greatly among the programs. There
were 10 different types of management courses offered at the various i
nstitutions. Almost all of the programs required the students to enrol
l in an undergraduate seminar course. Half of the institutions require
d their poultry majors to take at least one microcomputer course, and
more than a third required a basic statistics course. Most programs of
fered several options within a degree program.