A novel blowing concept aimed at controlling the tip stall of cranked-
arrow wings was experimentally investigated. The concept employs a tan
gential jet sheet blown spanwise on the tip-panel upper surface, from
a chordwise slot located at the leading-edge break. The blown sheet in
teracts three dimensionally with the external now, forming a controlla
ble vortex that powerfully influences the tip-panel upper-surface flow
field leading to local lift improvement and stall delay. As a conseque
nce, simultaneous blowing on both the tips alleviates pitch-up, wherea
s one-side blowing provides roll control; a concurrent overall lift in
crease occurs in both cases due to vortex augmentation. Low-speed wind
-tunnel flow visualizations, pressure measurements, and six-component
balance data were acquired on a generic cranked-arrow configuration to
verify the concept and obtain preliminary indications of its aerodyna
mic control potential.