The splashback that occurs when raindrops impact an airfoil results in
an ''ejecta fog'' of small droplets near the leading edge. Accelerati
on of these droplets by the air flowfield is a momentum sink for the a
irflow and has been hypothesized to contribute to the degradation of a
irfoil performance in heavy rain. Presented here is a one-way coupled
Lagrangian particle tracking scheme to evaluate droplet concentrations
and the associated momentum sink around a NACA 64-210 airfoil section
for three rainfall rates. A laminar air flowfield is determined with
a standard CFD code and is used as input to the particle tracking algo
rithm. Raindrops are assumed to be noninteracting, nondeforming, nonev
aporating, and nonspinning spheres, and are tracked through the same c
urvilinear grid used by the airflow code. A simple model is used to si
mulate impacts and the resulting splashback on the airfoil surface.