This study investigates the effects of supervisor and subordinate meas
urable behavior on overall subjective/perceptual performance evaluatio
n ratings. The behaviors operationalized as predictors are Dominance (
D), Inducement (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance (C). Correlation an
d hierarchical regression analyses establish positive effects on behav
ioral scales measuring: (1) Dominance, (2) Compliance, and (3) Inducem
ent at the supervisory level. In the latter case, positive effects wer
e found when comparing Supervisors with high levels of Inducement (I)
to Subordinates with high levels of Compliance (C). Subordinates' Domi
nance (D) and Steadiness (S) scores also affected the performance eval
uation ratings by Supervisors. Implications for employee performance a
nd evaluation are discussed.