This article argues that issues in gifted education and the study of g
iftedness can be usefully categorized under three headings: definition
s, ideologies, and hypotheses. Seven central issues regarding educatio
nal programs for the gifted are classified according to their basic or
ientation: (a) level of excellence and the gifted label, (b) types of
giftedness, (c) individual versus societal perspectives on the gifted,
(d) giftedness in different ethno-cultural backgrounds, (e) origins o
f giftedness, (f) procedures for identifying and screening the gifted,
and (g) effectiveness of educational programs. These issues are eithe
r definition oriented (a and b), ideology oriented (c and d), or hypot
hesis oriented (e, f, and g). It is argued that practitioners and rese
archers must pay attention to the type of issue being discussed so tha
t discussions and controversies concerning giftedness will be relevant
and productive.