Space, especially physical or geographical space, is a very important
concept in living systems theory (LST). Indeed, along with time, it is
included in the very definition of a concrete living system. But whil
e time has its own critical subsystem in LST, space receives relative
neglect. There is no space subsystem, but space is discussed in the bo
undary and supporter subsystems. The problem here is that discussion o
f the boundary emphasizes the regulation of matter-energy and informat
ion flows, while discussion of the supporter emphasizes vertical suppo
rt rather than lateral spacing. The purpose of this paper is to rectif
y the relative neglect of spacing by unifying the scattered discussion
of space in LST. After discussing space in the boundary and supporter
subsystems at six levels (the organism, group, organization, communit
y, society, and supranational), the paper extends and complements the
literature of LST by discussing additional relevant literature on spac
e, and by discussing possible applications at the six levels.