Results of consumer attitude and markets studies worldwide indicate co
nsumers will accept irradiated food. Major studies in the United State
s indicate the number of consumers concerned about the safety of irrad
iated food has decreased in the last 10 years and continues to be less
than the number of those concerned about pesticide residues, microbio
logical. contamination, and other food-related concerns. The number of
people reporting no concerns about irradiated food is among the lowes
t for food issues, comparable to that of people with no concern about
food additives and preservatives, Numerous studies have demonstrated t
hat acceptance increases when consumers are provided with information
about specific advantages of the irradiation process. Consumers view i
rradiated meat and poultry products positively, with half or more inte
rested in purchase. Concern about irradiation centers around safety, n
utritional quality, potential harm to employees, and potential danger
from living near an irradiation facility. Women, people with lower inc
omes, and those with less formal education are more likely to express
concern. Marketing of irradiated food in the United States, although l
imited, has been successful. Irradiated foods marketed in numerous cou
ntries were judged superior by consumers and sold well. These studies
indicate that the market potential for irradiated food is strong. Cons
umers should receive information about irradiation advantages and envi
ronmental and worker safeguards.