Ten adults with dyslexia (4 women and 6 men, mean age: 26.8 years, ran
ge: 19-43 years) and 11 controls (5 women and 6 men age: 20.5 years, r
ange: 18-29 years) were tested on their ability to differentiate betwe
en real and false traffic signs. The stimuli, computer-presented color
pictures, were chosen to minimize the applicability of verbal or writ
ten linguistic skills to the task. The adults with dyslexia recognized
the traffic signs significantly less well than did the controls. Furt
hermore, whereas for the controls there was a significant correlation
between traffic sign recognition and driving experience, no such corre
lation was found for the adults with dyslexia. The results are interpr
eted in terms of a deficit in implicit learning.