As more compound semiconductor devices reach large volume manufacturin
g levels, a trend toward the use of the MOVPE technique is clear. In t
his paper we examine the criteria needed for MOVPE equipment suitable
for large scale manufacturing. We find that although uniformity and de
vice performance are necessary, reproducibility is also critical, alon
g with high throughput and low operating costs. These points are illus
trated by actual examples including MMIC power amplifiers, HB-LEDs, an
d solar cells. A realistic COO model provides a tool for evaluating MO
VPE systems of different capacities. In situ control of key parameters
during growth is now feasible, and will become an important method fo
r increasing reproducibility and throughput. Lastly we look at the pro
spects for automation, for decreasing labor costs as well as wafer han
dling. This is likely to first have an impact on systems for the growt
h of electronic device structures on large (100 and 150 mm) wafers.