An overview of interdisciplinary efforts from a variety of research fi
elds in the area of literacy is provided. Particular attention is give
n to research in the etiology of developmental reading disorder (dysle
xia). Medical, psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neuropsychological mod
els of differential reading behavior of normal and dyslexic individual
s have united in recent years. Theories of laterality in human cerebra
l hemisphere development and visual, phonological, and motor processin
g were once researched almost in isolation of one another. Recent conn
ections made among these and other seemingly disparate theories have r
esulted in testable and integrative hypotheses, which are researched w
ith behavioral and neurophysiological methods. This new research appea
rs to be bringing us closer to an understanding of the most proximal n
eurological functions attached to cognitive linguistic processing, whi
ch explain the consistently observed behaviors common to developmental
reading disorders.