Liberty and Crystal, two triploid female half-sister selections with l
argely German Hallertauer mittelfruh ancestry were found to be suitabl
e for commercial production in hop growing areas in Washington and Ore
gon but not in southern Idaho. Their yield potential is substantially
higher than that of Hallertauer mittelfruh and other European aroma ho
ps currently being imported into the United States. Liberty's soft res
in and essential oil content are similar to that of Hallertauer mittel
fruh, while Crystal's soft resin composition more closely resembles th
at of the Czech aroma hop Saazer. In contrast to Saazer, however, Crys
tal contains no farnesene in its essential oil. Production of Liberty
has increased moderately in Washington and Oregon since its public rel
ease, primarily to replace certain imported aroma hops. Crystal, relea
sed in 1993, is of particular interest to small brewers for production
of highly aromatic specialty beers.