Studies on the diffusion of iodine and zinc into CdTe are reported. Ea
ch iodine profile was divided up into four distinct regions and descri
bed mathematically toy a function consisting of the sum of four comple
mentary error functions. When plotted on an Arrhenius graph, the diffu
sivities gave four straight line relationships with similar slopes and
the Arrhenius parameters for the fastest component of D-01 = (7+/-3)
. 10(-11) cm(2) s(-1) and E(1) = (0.21 +/- 0.05) eV. When extrapolated
down to 20 degrees C this gave a diffusivity of 10(-14) cm(2) s(-1),
indicating that when iodine is diffused from the vapor it is not suita
ble as a long term stable dopant in devices where sharp impurity profi
les are required. In the case of the zinc diffusions, each profile can
be divided into two parts and was fitted satisfactorily by the sum of
two complementary error functions giving two values of the diffusivit
ies: D-slow due to zinc diffusion into the slice from the vapor and D-
fast due to interdiffusion between a surface layer of ZnxCd1-xTe forme
d on the slice and the remaining CdTe.