The conversations of nine preschool-aged children (C.A. 4:0-5:2) were
tape-recorded as they interacted with teachers and with peers at presc
hool, as they traveled home from school with their parent in the famil
y car, and as they engaged in routine home activities. The speech samp
les were coded to identify the time referents the children used in the
ir topics of conversation in the three settings. The study sought to e
xplore suggestions that young children, although generally context-bou
nd in their talk at home and school, are capable of decontextualized t
alk when settings and conversational partners are familiar and support
ive, and when contexts are transitional and prompt talk about other th
an the here-and-now. Significant differences were found in the childre
n's use of present, past and future time referents in the three settin
gs. Overall, the children spoke most often about the here-and-now, mak
ing frequent references to the present activities or to people in each
setting. References to past and future events, however, were signific
antly more frequent in the car setting than in the home or school talk
. Most references to the past occurred during the first 5 min of trave
l and were often prompted by the presence of a project remnant in the
car or parents' questions or comments. References to future events occ
urred more frequently during the latter portion of the car trip. Diffe
rences in the children's proportional use of fantasy time referents we
re not significant. Possible implications for teachers and parents are
discussed along with suggestions for future research.