The number of the control actuators used by the inverse kinematics and
dynamics algorithms that have been developed in the literature for ge
nerating redundant robot joint trajectories is equal to the number of
the degrees of freedom of the manipulator. In this article, an inverse
dynamics algorithm that performs the tasks using only a minimum numbe
r of actuators is proposed. The number of actuators is equal to the di
mension of the task space, and the control forces are solved simultane
ously with the corresponding system motion. It is shown that because a
ll degrees of freedom are not actuated, the control forces may lose th
e ability to make an instantaneous effect on the end-effector accelera
tion at certain configurations, yielding the dynamical equation set of
the system to be singular. The dynamical equations are modified in th
e neighborhood of the singular configurations by utilizing higher-orde
r derivative information, so that the singularities in the numerical p
rocedure are avoided. Asymptotically stable inverse dynamics closed-lo
op control in the presence of perturbations is also discussed. The alg
orithm is further generalized to dosed chain manipulators. Three-link
and two-link redundant planar manipulators are analyzed to illustrate
the validity of the approach. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.