The generation of significant side forces and yawing moments on an F/A
-18 fuselage through tangential slot blowing is analyzed using computa
tional fluid dynamics. The effects of freestream Mach number, jet exit
conditions, jet length, and jet location are studied. The effects of
over- and underblowing on force and moment production are analyzed. No
n-time-accurate solutions are obtained to determine the steady-state s
ide forces, yawing moments, and surface pressure distributions generat
ed by tangential slat blowing. Time-accurate solutions are obtained to
study the force onset time lag of tangential slot blowing. Comparison
with available experimental data from full-scale wind-tunnel and subs
cale wind-tunnel tests are made. This computational analysis complemen
ts the experimental results and provides a detailed understanding of t
he effects of tangential slot blowing on the flowfield about the isola
ted F/A-18 forebody. Additionally, it extends the slot-blowing databas
e to transonic maneuvering Mach numbers.