The purpose of this review is to discuss the effect of strain on the e
nergy levels of cubic semiconductors, namely, group IV semiconductors,
II-VI and III-V compounds, and IV-VI semiconductors. As the effects o
f strain on heterostructures based on the tetrahedrally coordinated ma
terials are considered in several earlier reviews, we discuss them onl
y briefly and pay more attention to the nontetrahedrally coordinated,
rocksalt-structure IV-VI semiconductors. We discuss the effect of biax
ial deformation on energy bands and stress the difference between the
deformation potentials in quantum wells and bulk material. We show tha
t such a difference does exist in the case of narrow-gap materials wit
h the interband k-p interaction because of the pronounced effect of si
ze quantization on energy levels in quantum wells made of the narrow-g
ap materials.