The relationship between teaching and learning is examined from a pers
pective concerned with integrating the two phenomena along several dim
ensions. Traditionally, teaching and learning have been studied as sep
arate entities. This discussion is based on the premise that within an
educational context, teaching and learning are so intertwined in a dy
namic and reciprocal process that they need to be considered as a sing
le entity rather than as two separate ones. The need to consider the s
imultaneous effects of cognitive, affective, motivational, and develop
mental factors is also stressed. The evolution of research and theory
on teaching and learning, along with issues associated with the applic
ation of psychological theory to educational practices, are examined f
or insights into the types of issues that need to be pursued in the ne
xt generation of research on the teaching-learning process. Several ap
proaches to the application problem are critiqued, and examples of res
earch that integrates concerns for teaching and learning are discussed