A new approach for combining conceptual and preliminary design techniq
ues for wing optimization is presented for the high-speed civil transp
ort (HSCT). A wing-shape parametrization procedure is developed which
allows the linking of planform and airfoil design variables. Variable-
complexity design strategies are used to combine conceptual and prelim
inary-design approaches, both to preserve interdisciplinary design inf
luences and to reduce computational expense. In the study, conceptual-
design-level algebraic equations are used to estimate aircraft weight,
supersonic wave drag, friction drag, and drag due to lift. The drag d
ue to lift and wave drag are also evaluated using more detailed, preli
minary-design-level techniques. The methodology is applied to the mini
mization of the gross weight of an HSCT that flies at Mach 3 with a ra
nge of 6500 mi.