Adolescent life experiences, measured with Owens's Biographical Questi
onnaire (BQ), were used to predict occupational attainment 16 years to
21 years later in a sample of 1,523 college graduates. Study particip
ants completed the BQ in either 1968 or 1970-1973 as college freshmen
and subsequently reported their occupational status in 1989. Jobs were
rationally clustered into 18 different categories. Separate gender an
alyses were conducted in which 13 BQ factors were used as predictors o
f occupational attainment. Effect sizes were substantially larger than
those obtained in an earlier study by A. G. Neiner and W. A. Owens (1
985). The usefulness of life experience data for understanding occupat
ional choices as well as implications for college counseling are discu