This study followed three elementary classroom teachers through a two-
year master's degree program and for two years following. All three te
achers became more reflective and yet there were significant differenc
es in how this occurred as well as how reflective thinking was interac
tive with changes in their beliefs and teaching practices. The teacher
s all became more complex in their thinking, but they differed in how
much they valued this. There was interesting variation in how reflecti
on interacted with changes they made or did not make in their classroo
m practice. The case studies demonstrate how individuals' background e
xperiences, beliefs, and personalities influence what they take from p
rograms of study. The paper uses metaphors constructed by the teachers
to frame the interpretations. Initially, they guided the researcher's
construction of interpretations; over time they provided a focal poin
t for constructing collaborative interpretations. The collaborative me
thodology that evolved in the project extended the understandings of b
oth researcher and participants. If the research objective is to bette
r understand how teachers construct meanings and reflect on them, such
methods may be required if we are to have more than an outsider's vie
w of teacher reflection. The, results point to the complexity of becom
ing more reflective and to the individual variations to be expected fr
om educational efforts to encourage it. We caution against over-genera
lized descriptions of the development of reflective thinking and sugge
st the usefulness of case studies to examine such complexity and indiv
idual variation.