Since the beginning of the 1990's the sterilization value F0 (F-value)
, which depends on the destruction of spores of Clostridium botulinum,
has been used for evaluating the microbiological efficiency of steril
ization processes. In 1980 milk-specific F-values based on the chemica
l changes of the content of milk ingredients were used to evaluate the
UHT process for the first time. All ingredients of milk, which follow
a linear reduction- or formation-curve in a half-logarithm temperatur
e-time-diagram as a result of UHT-heat treatment, could be used to cal
culate the various different F-values. Systematic investigations for n
umerous milk ingredients have shown that this is indeed the case. Beca
use the destruction curves for microorganism are steeper than those fo
r chemical reactions of milk ingredients, it is possible to optimize U
HT-processes in respect of necessary microbiological destruction and m
inimum change of the product. The basics for calculating sterilization
values and for evaluating the dimension of microbiological destructio
n and chemical change of milk ingredients will be discussed in this re