The Schoolwide Enrichment Triad Model (SEM) is a product of 15 years o
f research and field testing and combines the previously developed Enr
ichment Triad and Revolving Door Identification Models. SEM has been i
mplemented in school districts worldwide, and extensive evaluations an
d research studies indicate the effectiveness of the model. In this ar
ticle, a brief explanation of SEM is provided as a summary of the rese
arch conducted on this approach. The review of the research is subdivi
ded into (a) the effectiveness of the model as perceived by key groups
, (b) research related to creative productivity, (c) research relating
to personal and social development, (d) the use of SEM with underserv
ed populations, (e) research on self-efficacy, (f) the use of SEM as a
curricular framework, (g) research relating to learning styles and cu
rriculum compacting, and (h) longitudinal research on the SEM, Researc
h suggests that the model is effective at serving high-ability student
s in a variety of educational settings and in schools that serve diver
se ethnic and socioeconomic populations.