The experiments reported in this article flow from the following assum
ptions concerning OUT cognitive processes: (a) Schema acquisition and
automation are major learning mechanisms when dealing with higher cogn
itive activities and are designed to circumvent our limited working me
mories and emphasize our highly effective long-term memories. (b) A li
mited working memory makes it difficult to assimilate multiple element
s of information simultaneously. (c) Under conditions where multiple e
lements of information interact, they must be assimilated simultaneous
ly. (d) As a consequence, a heavy cognitive load is imposed when deali
ng with material that has a high level of element interactivity. (e) H
igh levels of element interactivity and their associated cognitive loa
ds may be caused both by the intrinsic nature of the material being le
arned and by the method of presentation. (f) If the intrinsic element
interactivity and Consequent cognitive load are low, the extraneous co
gnitive load caused by instructional design may not be very important.
In contrast, extraneous cognitive load is critical when dealing with
intrinsically high element interactivity materials. These assumptions
are the basic points of cognitive load theory. They were used to sugge
st that, when learning to use equipment such as computer applications,
learning might be facilitated by not having the equipment present, if
the material that needed to be learned had an intrinsically high degr
ee of clement interactivity. A series of four experiments supported th
is hypothesis. It was concluded that an analysis of both intrinsic and
extraneous cognitive load can lead to instructional designs generatin
g spectacular gains in learning efficiency.