Beta barium borate (BBO: beta-BaB2O4) crystals are very useful for opt
ical parametric oscillation and harmonics generation of not only the s
econd but also the third, fourth and fifth harmonics. Since defects ob
served by light will play important roles, especially when the wavelen
gth of the light is in the same range as that of the second harmonics
or of a laser for excitation, defects in the crystals were optically o
bserved by laser scanning tomography. Dislocations observed by laser s
canning are estimated to occur in the density of 10(3)-10(4) cm-2, hav
e very complicated shapes and are decorated by impurities or excess at
oms caused by possible deviation from stoichiometry. It was confirmed
here that density of the defects detected optically provides a good fi
gure of merit for nonlinear optical applications of BBO prisms, since
the optical detection of defects informs harmful ones in a nondestruct
ive and noncontacting way.